Facial beauty
A change for your life
Know about our procedures 
VIP Rhinoplasty   Know our specialized procedure
of VIP Rhinoplasty
We are specialists
in Otolaryngology
and Facial Plastic Surgery
Contact Us 

Welcome !

Our primary goal is to recover and maintain the healthy appearance of the skin, combining technology and science according to the specific conditions of each patient.

Unlike traditional methods that treat problems at a superficial level, our treatments correct problems from the inside out, stimulating cell renewal to ensure excellent results.

Dr. Edel Mary Afanador, is a specialist in Facial Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology, with extensive experience in various prestigious institutions such as the Carlos Ardila Lulle Medical Center, where she currently provides consultation. She’s an expert in rhinoplasty and facial cosmetic surgery.

Specialized Procedures

My rhinoplasty, better known as Vip Rhinoplasty, is a specialized procedure of nose surgery that allows to correct the functionality of the nasal, and modify the bone structures or cartilage to achieve a new form that improves facial harmony.

With my Renew Capillary treatment, we achieve effectively, stimulate and activate the strengthened hair output in addition to strengthening the existing, increasing its growth and thus avoiding baldness.

The Renew Facial procedure is an exclusive and personalized treatment of easy beautification without surgery, which combines CO2 facial laser with spicy therapies in the facial area in a single session.



Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Medical center Carlos Ardila Lulle. Cra 24 # 154-106. Office 413. tower A

Bucaramanga – Colombia

 WhatsApp 3102155882

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